Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We are the last leg of our journey!

This morning we went to the Palace of Versailles. We were 7th & 8th in line, having previously bought our tickets.

Due to a chill in the air & fog, the crowd was nonexistent. We got through in an hour! It was like a private tour.

The Hall of Mirrors was beautiful, but even more exquisite was the War Room. The White House should get one of these! A bust of all the famed kings & generals, as well as two- story paintings of all the big battles. We saw George Washington, Joan of Arc, & Napoleon to name a few! The house was grand & we got one last look at the gardens, since we had spent hours there the day before. When we came by later, there were 100s of people just waiting in line! And 100s more coming off the metro! Ah!

So we grabbed some food, checked out of the hotel, and we are currently on the RER Metro into Paris! By 12pm! On to some museums!

-- Posted by Lauren

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