After the Basilica we headed for the Doge's palace next door. Pretty but not amazing. (will post more pictures on the flckr feed later)
Next we hit the Corror Museum (I got bored and stopped taking pictures since it was the 4th museum of the day). It was pretty, still not sure what it was though, but free with our pass so...
After that we got some Italian food and focused on the wine mainly; it was a great lunch. Moving on, we walked about 80 miles to the university on the southern side and decided to hit the Guggenheim to complete the trifecta of things that bore me and make Lauren happy. I paid my $12 and set on the balcony because my feet hurt and they had no beer:
Later, after our modern art fix we hit the end of the southern section and found a nice view.
After that we were largely done with sights so we hopped on the bus-boat for the Rialto again and found some dinner nearby. There was an ambulance boat during our dinner, which was exciting.
And now we are at an Irish bar drinking English beers posting a blog post.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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