Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zurich Arrival

Last night was one of the longest flights on one of the oldest planes I've ever been on, but I got to see The Rock as 'The Toothfairy' for a third time on the in flight movie. Bright and early this morning at about 8 am local time we landed in Zurich, one of the nicer airport/train station/tram station/shopping mall there is.

We found a few lockers and stored our packs so we could hop a tram into the city and see the (very impressive) sights before heading to our actual first stop on this trip: St. Moritz.

Currently we're on the train(s) to St. Moritz passing through some amazing scenery.

After sleeping about as much as you can expect to on an overnight flight and hitting one city (however briefly) already today, I'm really looking forward to that hotel!

*Thanks to spotty Internet I'm posting this morning instead of yesterday, oh well...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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