Friday, April 28, 2017

Rome with me

After a very long day & night of traveling, we arrived in Rome! I greatly missed business class (man that sounds bad). Thanks to my friend/minion Carson, we had a prearranged driver to drive us to the hotel. We got to see some sights from the car & although he spoke no English, he still knew what to tell us.

I wanted to ease us into Rome, so we headed to the North part of the city center. We got to see a lot of the tourist sites before the rain made us look like sewer rats. We got to see a few churches, the Trevi fountain, the Spanish stairs and Borghese / Pinco Gardens. We got to touch the original city walls of Pax Roma! & Sadly the Augustus Mausoleso was closed so I could not have my Eat, Pray, Love moment.


The question is did we have a La Dolce Vita moment in the Trevi ?!?

The weird thing we did was visit the Cappuccin Crypt. This crypt was created with human bones in various forms. To say it is creepy is an understatement. I'm not sure why any one would sort through bones to then make a chapel is still beyond my comprehension.  There were no pictures allowed which is probably a good thing. 

We cheated and ate lunch at Hard Rock. We are up to number eight in the EU. We made up for it at dinner by stopping at a local Trattoria. It was delicious! We turned in early to make sure we were the first people to Vatican City tomorrow!


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