Monday, May 1, 2017

Road trip: Italy

Today we were able to sleep in and enjoy breakfast at a leisurely pace because our only task was to successfully drive out of Rome, visit Mussilini's EUR, then drive on 3 hours to Paestum where we are staying at a nice hotel on the Mediterranean. Our drive out of Rome was exciting but no where near as scary as Lauren was afraid of. Driving here is simple but requires a lot of defensive driving and a lot of, well just going for it. Our little fiat is actually very nice, much better than the poor Peugeot we had on our first trip to Europe.

While leaving Rome we stopped at the EUR which is an area built up by Mussolini for his new government as well as as a symbolic show of strength. It isn't "pretty" but it is impressive and is now a popular neighborhood for middle class folks.

Our drive out of Rome and south towards Naples and the Amalfi was easy and spectacular. Lauren has most of the photos since I was driving so we'll get them posted to the photo feed later. But I did take some when we stopped for some water and a stretch during the trip.

The drive into town to our hotel was, interesting. The roads are barely eligible to be called roads and are often too narrow for passing cars but somehow have a 50kph speed. It's very odd since this is actually a busy beach town with people everywhere and the hotels along our street are high end and currently full of May weddings.

We are staying in Paestum, a town with both access to the Mediterranean beaches and Ancient Greek temples that are in at least as good condition as Athens, despite being neglected for centuries. The town is currently on Holiday so there is a street party going into the night right next to these temples; it's an interesting site. We will be up bright and early once again tomorrow to visit the site and then on to the next several towns along the beautiful cast before settling in at another stop for tomorrow night.

- Jordan
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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