Wednesday, February 18, 2015

London Commentary

At this point in the trip, I (Lauren) like to comment in general about the place we have visited.  As many of you know, we named our son Dublin.  If it was a girl,  I really wanted to name her London.  And these British children are too cute with their accents and funny words!

London has not disappointed, but the sense of adventure is not here.   London feels all too familiar.  Between our ties to the British and our understanding of the EU in general, nothing has surprised us.  Of course, needing a break from our lives, it has delivered as a vacation. 

Right now, London is a buzz with their "cult" classic soap opera, East Enders.  It's a BBC classic & they are arriving on the multi-year conclusion of Who Shot Lucy. This is similar celebration to Who Shot JR in Dallas!  Even I am becoming caught up in this craziness and last night we saw the conclusion! (Please refer to a Swiss post from 2012)

Last random thoughts on London:  many statues (beats Paris, could rival Venice but not per square foot), the Wifi is good, and it truly lives up the melting pot rep.  It beats NYC because more African and Middle Eastern countries are represented.  This is truly the easiest and best public transportation system in the world and my feet thank you for that!

All and all, we are actually enjoying London as a tourist vacation.  Sadly, we can't call this an adventure.....yet.

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