Friday, November 2, 2018

10.5 year anniversary trip

2018 has been the year of travel for our family, but when ANOTHER $500 flight to Italy popped up I bought it. At this point, I admit to having no self-control when I see a good flight deal.  I have had only one month to plan this trip, so let's just say keep your fingers crossed.  We are going back to Italy to celebrate our 10 and 1/2 year wedding anniversary.  That's a thing right?

On this trip, we wanted to see more of Italy so we will road trip around the region of Tuscany. We will end our trip with a quick visit to our version of the city of love - Venice.   And then we will relive our 2012 trip with an overnight train from Venice to Paris. (Sidenote: Of course any cheap flight we find has to fly out of my archenemy CDG.)  We will try to enjoy a few days in Paris at some non-touristy spots. Our time in Paris overlaps with the 100th anniversary of the armistice of WWI, so let's see what happens there...

Here's to more adventures in Italy!  Ciao until next weekend!

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