Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I, Lauren Victoria, wore the same pair of shoes for 16.5 days straight.

Oh & I had previously bought Rick Steves’s Italy book…so perhaps more adventures soon!



We are delayed in writing our last post, due to illness. The plane ride back was not miserable until 12 hours later we caught the world’s worst stomach bug. We have just made it back into our routine and it is Wednesday! We last left you on Thursday night...

That night we went to Eiffel Tower right after sunset. The views were outstanding and this was the amazement I wish the entire city gave me. I could have stayed the entire night if not for the cold.

Our last day in Paris was spent wondering the city. And finally I got to do a little shopping!! Most window shopping, but I did buy a few things. I must have been entertained to shop so little on this trip!

We tried to visit the city’s second prettiest church, Sainte Chapelle. Due to Friday mass, the line was over an hour. We kept walking to the Conciergerie. This is where people were jailed during the Revolution. They were actually beheaded at the Concorde (see earlier post).

We crossed the city’s oldest bridges to the Left Bank of the Seine. Due to confusing streets, we toured most of the Left Bank. It was different than the Right Bank, less stuffy and livelier. This side also had fewer museums.

We eventually found the Pantheon, which I have described as the French national monument to everything. It began as a church and a tribute to the city’s saint (St. Genevieve).

It is one of the largest crypts in Europe. This crypt wasn’t so creepy though, rather had large tombs in rooms.

Oh and don’t forget the Revolution statues and writings on all of famous Frenchmen. Jordan would add here: "what all two of them!?"

From there it was a much shorter walk to the Arenes de Lutece. This is a Roman Amphitheater from the 100s! It now functions as a park, which children were playing soccer. I doubt these children realized the significance of the stones around them.

We wondered back to the Opera area for happy hour/dinner and were surprised to eat next to a dog. He was very mischievous, but cute. He looked a lot like Jordan’s boss’s dog!

The last day we endured a glimpse of hell, otherwise known as Charles de Gaulle Airport. Over three hours later, we got to the gate. I somehow managed not to hit any Frenchman working at US Airways. This was only because I was afraid I could put on the no fly list and could not re-visit Amsterdam. They should thank their lucky stars. And then we took the ten hour flight to Charlotte. Home at last!


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Paris days 2 & 3

We took Paris by storm (or exhaustion) the first full day we were here. We started at Napoleon's tomb. Impressive.

We continued onto the Army Museum which is housed in the same complex. Lots of cool stuff.

We then went to the Orsay Art museum. I really enjoyed the Impressionist Painters-Monet, Van Gogh, Degas (my fave), & even Whistlers Mother!

Then on to L'Orangerie Museum. The Water Lillies is housed here. Very beautiul & large.

We walked through the Jardin du Tulieries, the famed park, to the Louvre.

Oh Louvre. The outside is quite spectacular. The inside, um. First, due to major renovations all around, we were constantly trapped in various exhibits we cared nothing about & had a hard time navigating the museum. It's kind of funny because everyone is clutching their map like it was their last hope!

Anyways, we saw the Mona Lisa. I personally like this painting, but agree it's overrated. As everyone says, see how small.

There were some other pretty Italian paintings in that area though. Look Mom!!

We did enjoy the Greek/Roman/Egyptian artifacts. However, there were multiple rooms comtaining each type of thing; example, five rooms of Greek Pottery & another five of terricotta pots. Still impressive though! My mom was right about things not being in glass & unguarded. It's crazy!

By the end of that day, we ate supper and collapsed. We were so tired, we could even watch this Japanese show. This guy was riding a Panda motorcycle.

On our second day, we ventured out to the catacombs, but they were closed due to vandalism. I was greatly disappointed!

We regrouped and went to Notre Dame. We went inside, and both agreed the church in Bayuex was prettier.

Then we climbed the 400 stairs (not kidding) to see the views.

This was my favorite thing in Paris yet! We even saw & heard the bells!

Then we ventured down to the crypt, which is not bodies, but rather walls of all of Paris from Roman times to now.

We also strolled around that area & ate a delicous crepe (Amber & Jenna!). I've decided the cream is better than the sugar.

We are going to see the Eiffel tower at sunset! It only took me 12 hours in Paris to get my first glimpse, so at least now I will see it up close.

-- Posted by Lauren

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In Paris

We arrived in Paris yesterday for the final stop on our little journey. The trip from our stop to the hotel took us by some major sights right away, including the Louvre. After getting settled and a little rested we set out for the 2 million steps (sounds about right) of the Basilique du Sacre-Coeur.

It certainly was impressive but a few too many steps for my taste.

Later in the evening we took a little stroll to the Place de la Concorde which was the first good view of the Eiffel Tower as well.

This was a pretty amazing area and the sunset made it all the more beautiful. We also got a chance to see the Place Vendome la Colonne as it is very close to our hotel.

After admiring the Place de la Concorde for a bit we decided to walk on to the Arc de Triomphe and see the sites and shops along the way. The round trip was a little grueling but we did manage to make it there (and back).

This morning we are preparing to visit some museums for most of the day and return to the Louvre for the evening hours as well. I'm sure it will be educational.

Hopefully Paris improves as well because despite some impressive sights it has not lived up to the recommendations so far.

-- Jordan