Wednesday, October 7, 2009

End of Germany

Since our last post, the trip has become a bit more adventurous. You know the scene in Home Alone where they are running down the airport hallway to catch their plane? We look like that catching trains lately. We haven't really missed one yet, but there have been many close calls. Luckily, we made out of Munich, in & out of Rothenburg, & just ran onto the train to Amsterdam.

Our last 1.5 days in Munich were good. Sunday night we went to an Aussie bar & got to watch the NFL! And met some rowdy brits. The next day we went to the BMW complex, got trapped in the Olympic park, & went to the city's largest park-the English gardens.

The next day we had our adventurous train trip to the Medival town of Rothenburg. The town was primarily built in the 1300s.

We saw the town & went on the famed Nightwatchman's tour. We even went to hell-which is a bar opened in the 1500s! This town was beautiful & full of charm. We also visited the Christmas shops, which our moms would have happily spent days in.

We are on to Amsterdam! This is the town I (lvc) have been looking forward to the most!

-- Posted from Lauren

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