Monday, October 12, 2009

Versailles first glance

Well, we got to Versailles just fine thanks again to Lauren's planning.

The Normandy area was much more relaxed. We were able to take a train instead of the metro from the Paris area which I preffered. We also didn't have a check during our 3 hour journey so it just happens that we have a spare day on our Eurorail pass now, coast of Spain? Anyway, we are both a bit concerned at this point by the, nastiness, that seems to be Paris so hopefully it will turn around. Either way we are enjoying day one of Versailles which is really beautiful. We were able to tour the gardens in relative peace since the main site is closed on Monday and most tourists were far away!

We also biked around the garden which allowed us to see it all, without dying. So now we are waiting for an American restaurant to open as we are both looking for something less, well French, today at least. So far so good though!

-- Jordan

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