Wednesday, May 16, 2012

European Adventure #3 begins...

  Today we are headed to the airport & will fly from Charlotte to Philly to Zurich.  Our first sight of the Alps will be from the plane!  We will spend one week in Switzerland riding trains, staying high up in the Alps, and seeing a few cities.  Then we will train to Venice for almost four days.  I've heard the gelato is amazing! We will conclude this adventure by taking an overnight sleeper train from Venice to Paris.  We went to Paris on our first EU trip and did not enjoy the city.  However, we are giving Paris a second chance because all of our favorite people think Paris is amazing.  So Paris--be on notice.

  We wanted to say thank you to all of our family & friends for all our well wishes!  And for supporting this crazy trip that we only bought tickets for 34 days ago.....

  Next up--The Alps & Zurich & St. Moritz!


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