Saturday, September 7, 2013

Arriving in Swiss Country

Today we arrived after a long flight into Zurich. We are driving this trip, so we got our fancy rental car. Fancy by European standards that is--but we did upgrade to get a GPS.

We picked up my work colleague & headed to the Rhine Falls. The Rhine Falls are Europe's largest falls. They were memorable for the intricate way the falls went down & the mountain in the middle. It was neat. Then we drove to Basel, my work base. We even saw a Swiss wreck-with slowed us according to Jordan.

Then we got settled into our Ikea like apartment in Basel. We explored the city a little & had a nice dinner with my work colleague. Then we had to do our traditional EU things by visiting the Irish pub nearby & our favorite grocery store Migros.

First impression of Basel is wonderful. It has the charm of the Swiss, the feel of a small city, and the nice pedestrian shopping district. I am very happy to spend the next week in this city. And now I really want my job to let me relocate for a year!

Off to rest because tomorrow is a long day at the F1 Italian Grand Prix...more crazy adventures to come...


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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