Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Lauren tries to be a foodie...

As we all know, I am not a foodie (and clearly, Jordan might be the epitome of a non-foodie).   But while visiting Barcelona,  I made it a point to start trying new foods. After all, they invented tapas and food is basically what everyone thinks of right after SUN when you say Spain. Plus, the hotel in Switzerland was a disaster for food; so I had starved for a week.

I have tried:
-Potato cake with chorizo & Brie
-Spanish omelette
-Chicken Croquettes (fried meat)

-Catalan style bruschetta 
-eggs over fries with various toppings(they love this dish)
-fried Brie, other cheeses
-Spanish 'gelato'

-Spanish omelet (veggie)
-various pastries, some filled with a cream I cannot place
-every white wine a bar offered + cava

(Lots of Italian pizzas & pasta)
(Best waffle outside of Belgium)
(Even La Hacienda!)

I did not try the pimento peppers, olives or anchovies -I have limits.   But, since I have a hard time making menu choices, I love the tapas attitude!   Also, they have a market for every part of the world in our neighborhood.  Of course my favorite was the Russian.

Just a little more information about our trip, until next time.
See you again soon Spain!

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